Selasa, 15 November 2011

kim hee chul

kim hee chul <3

i used to never like korean artist or boy/girl band or movies, and many else.
lately, lots of people, specially woman, fall in love with korean.
from the boy/girl band, movies, and so on.
and me, i really avoid korean in my life, before.

but it is all change when the first time i saw super junior- Mr. Simple video clips.
my attracted to heechul ^^
then i searched "heechul" in google search engine, and what i saw is the first reason i love HIM.
that is the first time i love kim heechul ^^

Senin, 14 November 2011

kim heechul :*

i love KOREA now

철아  . 그러나 하나의 이름은 많은 의미합니다. 처음으로 나는 내가 당신의 모든 비디오 클립 표현에 대한 호기심을 느낄 수있어 당신을 알아. 하지만 나중에 , 그거요 과 함께 당신의 키스하는 동영상에 대해 알아 냈어, 그리고 그게 내가 당신과 사랑에 빠졌다시작에 불과하다. 그 후 난 다른 줄도 분,  , 기다려 상경, 많은 사람에게 키스에 대해많은 동영상을 발견했습니다.
내 친구 동영상을보고 싫어해도, 그렇지 않으면 나는 그것을 좋아하지. 이유는 몰라요.그것은 단지 당신의 매력을 빛나는 만드는 당신은 내게 최면. ^ ^. 비난하지 말아이나 내게 화를 내고있다면 지금 당신의 스토커가되고 사진이나 동영상을 미친 난 늘 갈증.


kim hee chul. one name but means a lot. first time i know you i'm just feeling curious about your expression in your every video clips. but later then, i figured out about your kissing video with si won, and that is the beginning i fell in love with you. after that i found many videos about you kissing sung min, jung moo, hang kyung, and many else.
even though my friends hate to watch the videos, otherwise i like it. i dont know why. it just makes you glowing your charm and you hypnotized me. ^^. dont blame or mad at me if now i become your stalker and i always thirsty with your pictures or your crazy videos. 

Selasa, 08 November 2011


its been a long time since the last post of mine.
i just want to share some (i dont know is it bad or good) news.

thanks God finaly i made it.
i broke those up.
i was upseted, and these all ENOUGH!

that's all.
its feel relieve :)
have a nice day , XOXOX

Senin, 27 Juni 2011

Karimun Jawa Holiday

yo yo yo ..
have been waiting for my story about my vacation at Karimun Jawa Island ??
here it is ..

liburan di Karimun Jawa emang gag ngecewain :D
tp yang bkin males buat balik lagi itu perjalanannya  , sumpah ! backpacker abis!!
perjalanan darat yang harus ditempuh selama kurang lebih 8 jam, terus naik kapal penyebrangan ke karimun jawa nya kurang lebih 6 jam.
mending di dasar 8 jam gag bikin mual, tp di kapal 6 jam bikin kepala pusing, mual, semuanya jadi satu!
jadi ya mending tidur terus selama 6 jam dri pada dibuat duduk bisa-bisa mual pusing terus muntah deh ..

sesampainya di pulau Karimun Jawa, kita langsung naik mobil dri agen travel nya buat ke homestay, dan pas uda nyampek di homestay kita semua pada langsung mandi, soalnya badan rasanya lengkeeeeeet banget!!
mlemnya jlan2 ke alun2nya buat nongkrong, tp sumpah ya, di alun2 cuma ada 7 pedagang doank !!!
ya alun2 nyambi jadi lapangan bola juga sii , hehehe maklum pulau kecil ..

then hari pertama di Karimun Jawa ..
bangun pagi , mandi, trus jam 8 di jemput sama mas-mas dri travelnya buat ke pelabuhan ..
pas uda di pelabuhan ternyata kita satu kapal sama mbak2 dari medan yg rebutan bis ke jepara sama kita , ahahhahaha konyol banget!!

trus kita ke pulau (gag tau namanya) hehehe
disana aku baru pertama kali dalam hidupku snorkling :P
mana aku gag bisa renang pula :(
tp disitu aku diajarin sama guide nya (baik banget loo mau ngajarin aku yg otaknya bebel gni) wkwkwkwk
 ini aku :P
 ini mei
 ini adam
 ini angga
ini voto sama mbak2 yg dari medan + sama mas eko (tour guide)
itu ada isma diatas kapal :P

setelah itu kita makan siang di pulau geleyang (nah inii aku yg inget)
ini nih yg kita makan :D

tuuuh , enak kaaaan :D
abis mkan kita snorkling lagi looo trus menikmati sunset juga :D
pokoknya beautiful first day lah ..
tunggu cerita second day nya yaaa ;)

Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

Vacation !!!!

hei hei ..
aku lagi seneng nih :D
dlam bbrapa jam lagi aku bakal berangkat ke KARIMUN JAWA !!!
very excited !!!!
Amazing !!!

tunggu postingan aku selanjutnya yaa :D

Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

me and my self ;))

captired by : andreva victorio allorerung
camera : CANON EOS 1000D
lens : thamron 70-300 [f4,5 : 1/500 sec : 100 ISO : focal length 109 mm]

me and my self ;))

ini beberapa hasil jepretan dan rinciannya di bawah sendiri :D

captired by : andreva victorio allorerung
camera : CANON EOS 1000D
lens : thamron 70-300 [f4,5 : 1/500 sec : 100 ISO : focal length 109 mm]

hunn and i *bighug*

this is it ! my hunny and i on frame :D
*mav mengecewakan* :p

ini aja yaaa , kebanyakan voto geje gag layak upload :D

abis ini aku mau upload yg voto ku sndiri yay \(^.^)/


kl tak liat2 kog votonya pacarku gag ada yg aku upload yaa ???
itu ada cowok narsis berkaca mata adalasi nophan ngisup *sumpah narsis banget dy!* hhehehee
trus cowok berkacamata dg rambut panjang seperti cewek adalah victorio allorerung the king of GOWESERS
trus cowok yg mukanya melas itu si paduka raja a.k.a Nabris
dan pacarku ???

bntaar ..
ntr aku upload yg vtonya sama aku aja :D
hei hei ..
aku mau posting voto-voto d Pantai Bentar aaaahhhh *joget-joget di atas toilet*

Senin, 13 Juni 2011

. Hunting voto .

ini hasil huntingan voto yg bulan lalu sama mei, mas ryan, mas toddy ..
tp yg aku upload yg vto ku aja :D


fiuhhhh !!
its such a long year since im not writing here :P
sorry, i dont mean that ..
i have a lot of task to do ..

hey hey , skrg aku tau aku mau isi blog ini sama apa :D
aku gag akan cuma ngisi ttg diary aku dan YK, tapi aku juga bakal share crita2 menarik sama temen2 ku, foto sama tmen2 ku, and my vacation :* :* :*


Rabu, 06 April 2011

fight again

marah lagi .
marah lagi .
even he fault , tp dy gag pernah mau nyelesein seselesai-selesainya !!

kl aku uda mulai nghomel2 ngasi tau dy, eh dy nya malah bilang
'i dont like this situation"
"we on war"

what's that supposed to mean ?
aku cuma mau ngingetin .
aku uda gag masala lagi
aku cuma pengen lain kali dy gag ngelakuin itu lagi .
thats it .
tp apa yang aku dapet ?
justru aku yg minta mav !
i dont get it !
fuck off !

Minggu, 06 Februari 2011

new semester

it is not a good starting in my new semester :((
i have to say it sadly , but it is .
more and more i take my life in these engineering school, i can't stand on study .
it is so not me !
i wanna be a novelist, a photographer, a short story writer, a script writer.
i talk about my dream !!
is it too late for me to catch my dream ??
anyone ? answer me, please .. :((

Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

new year = new post(s)

happy new year !! :D

i have passed last year with all of the beauty moments and bad moments that God have gave tome ..
that was a huge experiences ..
hopefully, this year i will have lots of joy and i can reach all my destiny ..

God, save my mom, my dad, my little angel, my friends, and HIM ..

enjoy your new day on new year, guys ..